Cleaning Guide


General Cleaning

It is expected that the property be kept reasonably clean, and this is also a tenancy agreement requirement. Pay particular attention to:


  1. Walls, switches, power points, skirtings, doors and doorways – please keep these free from marks and dirty finger marks.
  2. Cobwebs/dusting – please remove cobwebs to windows, walls and ceilings. Keep ventsdusted. Light fittings and ceiling fans – keep them dusted regularly.
  3. Curtains/blinds – keep these cleaned, dusted and also (if suitable) machine or dry clean curtains and netting on an annual basis.
  4. Windows/sills/window tracks and flyscreens – keep regularly cleaned and dusted. Pleasenote most modern windows are easily removed from their tracks by lifting the sliding window up at the bottom, and pulling this out for easy cleaning.
  5. Floors – please keep floors regularly swept and mopped. Floors in the kitchen and wet areas may need to be scrubbed to keep surfaces, tiles and grouting looking clean.
  6. Ventilation – please ensure that all rooms are kept adequately ventilated to avoid problems associated with condensation, causing mould and possible health problems.
  7. Wet Areas, bathroom, toilet and laundry grouting/tiles – please ensure all tiles are kept free from grime, soap scum and mould.


Carpet Cleaning

All carpets need to be cleaned on a six to twelve month basis, simply because of general living. The best time is after winter or at the end of a wet period.


We recommend professional steam cleaning and we do not recommend the use of ‘do-it-yourself’ hire machines. These machines lack the ability to adequately withdraw soapy water the machine may have squirted in. Sometimes it is tempting to not have the carpets cleaned on vacating because they have been used only minimally, and some rooms hardly used at all.


On vacating please present a receipt to show the carpets have been professionally cleaned.